The Spotted Traveler
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 Paxine and Tache, her Tail, are having the best summer vacation; skiing, until her Grandma calls and sends her on a world wide chase.  Dragonslayer, her grandma's stud cat was catnapped.  Paxine is the only one who can talk to and find Dragonslayer.  She heads out accompanied by Vernon, her Great Uncle Garon's assistant, and Champe  Gustaflynn, her dad's college friend.  The chase is on, but the catnappers seem to always be one step ahead.  Paxine makes new friends along the way and meets a few old friends.  She and her friends are on a journey of making adult decisions and finding out just when you think your troubles are over, they've just begun.  Dragonslayer isn't the only one kidnapped.  Available as a paperback or ebook at Amazon. Click on the book to go to Amazon.